Welcome to the Municipal Information hub of Harvey Rural Community. This section provides you with vital details about our governance, regulations, and fiscal management. Gain insights into our by-laws, rural development plans, and financial information that reflect our commitment to transparency and community involvement.
Municipal By-Laws
Comprehensive information about the legal frameworks that govern our community. From animal control to waste management, explore the rules and regulations designed to ensure our community remains safe, orderly, and enjoyable for all.
Rural Plans
Find our strategic blueprints for the growth and development of Harvey. These documents outline our goals and objectives for land use, infrastructure, and community services, detailing our vision for a sustainable and vibrant rural community.
Financial Information
Here, you’ll find details about our budget, expenditure, financial reports, and other essential information that underscores our commitment to responsible and accountable governance.
Property Tax
View residential tax rates per $100 of provincially assessed property value.
Employment Opportunities
View our current job listings with the Harvey Rural Community Municipality.