9-1-1 is for emergencies when immediate action is required: someone’s health, safety or property is in jeopardy or a crime is in progress.
If you need police assistance that is not of an emergency nature, please call 1-888-506-RCMP (7267), or use the online crime reporting tool found below.
Examples of non-emergency calls
- Reporting a crime with no suspect (example: theft of a licence plate or bicycle)
- Reporting a crime with suspect, but the suspect is not on the scene (example: fraud)
- Reporting a serious crime with suspect, but with a lengthy delay (example: assault that occurred “last night” at a bar)
- Non-emergency in progress (example: noisy party)
- On-going crime issues or crimes that are not in-progress (examples: graffiti or ongoing drug dealing with no suspect on scene)
- A suspicious circumstance that may indicate an ongoing criminal activity (example: suspected drug lab)
Harvey Rural Community is served by the West District RCMP (McAdam & Keswick detachments). The McAdam detachment offers Criminal Record Checks, Vulnerable Sector Checks, and General Information Services. The nearest detachments offering fingerprinting services are in St. Stephen and Oromocto.

The Online Crime Reporting tool is easy to use, and guides you through a series of questions to provide police information about your non-emergency incident. Visit https://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/nb/online-crime-reporting to learn more.