
Re-Booked Recreation Needs Analysis Sessions!

Re-Booked Recreation Needs Analysis Sessions!

The Recreation Needs Analysis sessions originally scheduled for January 20th have now been re-booked for Monday, February 3rd.

We’re hosting in-person sessions to update you on our Recreational Plan and would love your input! Let’s come together to discuss:

• Strategic Plan Updates: Progress made so far and where we’re heading next

• Recreation for All: Ensuring every resident can access and enjoy our facilities and programs

• Community Insights: Talking through what activities and amenities you value most, as well as exploring untapped opportunities

• HMCC Facility’s Future: Assessing the facility, gathering input, and next steps

• Next Steps: How your feedback will guide our path forward

Your voice matters—help us create a more vibrant, inclusive, and engaging recreational future for everyone!

Mark Your Calendar:

February 3rd: 10AM-11:30AM at the HMCC Gymnasium

February 3rd: 6PM-7:30PM at the Kings Head Inn

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