Comprehensive information about the legal frameworks that govern our community. From animal control to waste management, explore the rules and regulations designed to ensure our community remains safe, orderly, and enjoyable for all.
- By-law 2020-02 Respecting the Sanitary Sewerage System and Sewer Charges
- By-law 2023-01 Proceedings of Council – Repealed
- By-law 2023-02 Remuneration of Council – Repealed
- By-law 2023-03 Code of Conduct
- By-law 2023-04 Corporate Seal
- By-law 2023-05 Amended Proceedings of Council
- By-law 2023-06 Remuneration of Council
- By-law-2023-07 Respecting the Duties and Powers of the Chief Administrative Officer
- By-law 2023-08 Fire By-law
- By-law 2023-09 Solid Waste Collection and Disposal of Solid Waste
- By-law 2023-10 A By-law Respecting Animal Control
- By-law 2023-11 A By-law Respecting Dangerous or Unsightly Premises Within Harvey Rural Community
- By-law 2023-12 A By-law Respecting the Provision of Police Protection Service in Harvey Rural Community
- By-law 2024-01 Emergency Measures Organization
- By-law 2024-3 A By-law to Amend By-law 2020-2: The Village of Harvey Rural Plan
- Policy #2023-01 Council in Committee Remuneration
- Policy #2023-02 Creating By-Laws and Creating Motions
- Policy #2023-03 Not Assigned
- Policy #2023-04 Community Grant Policy
- Policy #2023-05 Social Media
- Policy #2023-06 Community Recognition
- Policy #2023-07 Compensation to Public Committee Members
- Policy #2024-01 Municipal Owned Vehicles Usage Policy
- Policy #2024-02 Communications Policy
- Policy #2024-03 Purchasing and Tendering